If you’re 55 and enjoy fellowship and fun together, then this might be the group for you! Get to know some of your fellow church family!
55 ALIVE Pen Pal Outreach
Join us with our area Pen Pal Outreach to assisted living centers . Jane Brannon serves as coordinator for this project. Volunteers may stop by the office and pick up cards to do at home. Call in the office to let us know you would like to participate with us. (256-734-0344)
55 Alive Monthly Luncheons
9:30 fun time begins
11:00 program begins
11:30 devotion followed by lunch
We gather the third Thursday of each month in the Ruehl Building for our fun day/lunch day. Be sure to watch the church bulletin & your email each month for information on the monthly program. Bring a friend! Don’t be left out!! Come and fellowship with us! Call the church office (256-734-0344) to let us know you are coming so we can prepare for you.
55 Alive Monthly Travel
55Alive Travel Group takes to the highways and byways typically the fourth Thursday of each month for an exciting adventure with a FUN group! Call the office (256-734-0344) to sign up for trips. Karen Hassell is the coordinator for 55Alive.
Just a couple of notes about roadtrips:
All major roadtrips can be paid for in installments.
Watch the church bulletin and your email for dates trips have to be paid in full.
All trips should be paid in full by the day of the trip. For the current time, we will keep the gas at $5 per person per trip. It helps to offset the cost of gas just a tad!
Being good stewards of what God has bestowed to each of us and to our church, please keep in mind most trips require partial down-payment or full payment just to reserve the date and time. If you sign up to go and can’t when the time comes, please try to find someone to take your place if you have already been paid for—or— you were in the original count when the trip was reserved. When I have to call a number in, that is the number I am required to pay for upon our arrival. There are very few exceptions to this. I know things happen, folks get sick and plans change. Some things you just can’t help. But what we don’t want is the church to be paying for empty spots.
Not all trips require payment up front. Some do and I don’t like that either.
Looking forward to exploring with you this year!