What should I expect?
Our hope is that St. John’s is a place that anyone can walk in just as they are. It doesn’t matter if you want to wear shorts or a suit. We believe that God is after our hearts and that he wants his people to be a community of grace. So when you come, you’ll see a variety of dress, generations, and styles.
Though each of our services is slightly unique to the others, we cling to our historical roots in all of them by incorporating liturgical elements such as the Apostles’ Creed and The Doxology and The Lord’s Prayer. Our services last about an hour, filled with singing, special music, testimonies, prayers, and a 25-30 minute sermon exploring a passage from the Bible.
We’ve been told we’re pretty unique. And to be honest, it’s hard to explain who we are. In a way, you just have to experience it.
We hope you will.
This is the most traditional of our services. We gather in the stained-glass light of the sanctuary. You’ll see acolytes, the pastors will be wearing liturgical robes, the songs will be most-often from the hymnal featuring the organ and/or piano, and a printed order of worship will be provided by an usher as you enter.
This service is just like the 8am service, except it always concludes with Communion.
This service meets in Christ Hall (our larger auditorium) and has a more modern feel. You’ll see a worship band, a stage and lights, words on screens, and yet we will still incorporate some of our liturgical staples. You might see a pastor in a clergy robe or simply in regular attire.
Come as you are. You’ll see the full range of clothing, though the earlier services tend to dress up a little more. But again, that is not our expectation. Come as you are.
There is street parking all around our campus block. We also have a parking lot on the north side of our buildings.
Nursery is available for all services, staffed by trained, caring, and responsible workers.
We have Kids and Youth Sunday School hour from 9:15-10:10 to help our kids grow in faith and connect with one another in smaller groups.
If you have kids ages 3-5, they can participate in our fun Godly Worship option during the sermon time of the 10:30 service. Kids will be invited to the front of the auditorium for a special Children’s Time devotional and then dismissed to Godly Worship if they so desire.
Enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea in our Atrium between 9:00-10:00am and enjoy some casual time with others. If you have questions about who we are or what we do, this is a great place to connect with one of our greeters who will be happy to help you learn more.