Just a quick note on our SJ’s mantra for the coming weeks : NO HUGS—NO HATE!!
You probably have noticed as we have, people are getting out and about, and are becoming more and more comfortable being around each other again. BUT… we don’t want to be TOO COMFORTABLE….. just yet with each other!! We want to still be very mindful of people’s individual health concerns. With this in mind, we still ask you to have no hugs or handshakes.
Air hugs, waving at each other or a big smile, works great!
After a decline in attendance due to the COVID numbers spiking, we have decided to go to one service at in Christ Hall.
We will resume with two worship services at 9:00 and 11:00 on August 23rd. At that time we will continue in Christ Hall with a very close eye on when we can in good conscience return to the sanctuary. I’m ready and I know many of you are too.
We will also resume with children’s Sunday School on August 23rd.
Wednesday activities are scheduled to begin August 26th.
We ask that you honor our request to keep a safe distance between your family and the next family by skipping three (3) seats between families. ALL children will remain in the worship service with their family at this time. There will be activity packs available for children each week. At this time, we will not have Godly Worship for children or any children or adult Sunday School Classes and we see this as a great opportunity for us to train our children to worship, which is one of the first callings of a parent. Lastly, we know some will not be ready to return this weekend, so we will also continue to have a service posted online on Sundays that can be viewed in your home (times for this still to be determined).
Preparing: What is the Next Step?
The days we are living in are something unprecedented to our generation. We have all had to pause and re-evaluate life and our daily routines. As we begin to open back up part of our church building for worship services, there are several things we must consider. ONE: Keeping the safety and well being of our members and guests that enter our door as a priority. TWO: reopen in a measured way, using caution and following recommendations of the national, state and local leaders and agencies. THREE: reopen in a prioritized and focused way. We want to be as prepared as possible to welcome everyone into our church.
Please know that added sanitizing and cleaning precautions have and will continue to take place. We will have a team in place on Sunday’s that will be regularly wiping down surfaces with disinfectant, especially all touch points and hard surface areas.
Since virus’s are transmitted by touch, we will try to have as many “touchless” options as possible. Please continue to wash your hands and use the hand sanitizer located at several points around the building.
During this time you will notice several things that are different and maybe a little our of our normal setting. We ask that you bear with us, as we strive to make our worship space a clean and safe place to be. Upon arrival, you will probably notice that all Ushers, First Impression’s Team, and Staff members will be wearing masks during this time.
Many people have many different opinions about masks. Should we? Shouldn’t we? If you feel masks are important for you to wear, by all means bring it with you and wear it. Please know for the current time, our first impression team, ushers and staff will be wearing them.
Please be patient with us as work thru our continued phases of re-opening.
Be prayerful and be patient. Things aren’t business as usual. We will be learning as we go.
Be expectant. God is not bound by times, locations, our preferences, etc. In fact, if we allow ourselves to be open to God’s work, we might find this to be a great time of personal and even corporate renewal. This is a wonderful opportunity for rebirth!